Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Portraits by Andy Warhol

There was an Andy Warhol private collection showing in Toronto a few months ago.
Out of all the works they had on display, I was really struck by "The Socialites" collection. Portraits of wealthy men who commissioned Warhol to make portraits of them. What do they all have in common?

Hands near face in almost each one. It got me thinking about the subtle body language differences between hand gestures. Here's a summary to what these men could be communicating:

  1. Fist over chin: Interested
  2. Finger steeple: noticeable in the touching index fingers, a sign of confidence and self-assurance
  3. Holding up cigar: according to cigar psychology (there is such a thing!) the way he is holding it represents being practical/vindictive
  4. Hand near chin: thinking
  5. Index finger at chin: thinking

There is a clear theme of being reflective and confident in their hand gestures. I wonder whether or not they naturally chose to pose that way, or if they had guidance. My guess would be the former,. Do you think confidence comes naturally to socialites?

What are your hands communicating? Here is a neat chart I found in my research:

Source: University of Cambrdige

Happy D-coding,


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